Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Learning for 17 Jun 08

Today we have some heavy stuff on the various psychologists contributed to Learning Environment research. They are Walberg, Moos, Fraser, Lewin and Murray. My group did a presentation on Lewin which is facinating. He is the one that contributed on factors that influence a situation in terms of helping vs hindering factors. And these factors changes with age and experience as they are related to a person's motivation, values, needs, goals and ideals. In a way, Lewin's frameworks is based on his belief that learning is holistic and we have to view each trainee as a unique individual. This perspective is important, as in my "Commanding" management style, procedures and steps tends to be emphasized more than modifying the lesson to fit the individual. I have to keep reminding myself to focus more on the trainees and not on the lesson itself.

My take away for Moos, is that there are 3 schemes in assessment ie, relationship, personal development and system maintenance and system change. In an assessment, there should be some items on each scheme to be comprehensive. This is reflective of the "big picutre" diagrame on learning environment.

In my work, I had designed more than 2 questionnaires on pre and post course surveys and climate surveys without much knowledge of validation. My discussion with Dr Quek has enlightened me that survey design is not just putting together questions items and collating data. I must be well versed in the rationale behind the question items and that they are validated. With the various validated instruments introduced in the class, I will be more aware of the existing instruments out there and learn to modify validated instruments instead of re-inventing the wheels. The WIHIC instrument is very relevant to me at the moment as the school is reviewing the pre and post course survey on learning.

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