Thursday, June 19, 2008

Learning for 19 Jun 08 am session

The morning class on using of SPSS is mind boggling for me. I had been analysing survey data for the school for past 3 years without using t test or relaibility test. Now I know all these tests are required to ensure deviation seen in the survey results is significant or not. It dawned on me that I have been analysing survey result using my common sense and not following professional methods. I would need to recommend to my boss to purchase SPSS software and to send me for survey analysis course. I will have to come up with a structure on SPSS availability, and train the Wings' reps for analysis if I am going ahead with decentralising the analysis of pre and post course survey to the Wings.

1 comment:

teopohlin said...

Mind taxing for me too, Hong Lian! It is not easy to deal with numbers ya. But it is a good move to sell SPSS in Air Force School, otherwise, those data collected are just data with no values. Supported!! Let me know if you want voices. As hokkien says :"loud voice wins!" ;-)